Esmertec Java JBed 3D Mod - отличный эмулятор Java с поддержкой 3D. Теперь и для обладатедвай коммуникаторов с VGA экраном! (Java без 3D) Features -Recognized high performance -Minimal footprint -Field-proven scalability -Comprehensive set of JSRs -Operator and third-party extensions -Flexible architecture and easy customizations across various platforms Operating systems (OS) supported: MS Windows, Windows Mobile 5 and above, Symbian/UIQ, Linux, Brew, Nucleus, RedArrow, AJAR, APOXI, Open-Plug Elips, RTK, REX, Soleus CPU-supported: all ARM configurations including ARM 7, ARM 7 Thumb, ARM 9, ARM 11, Cortex A8 StrongARM Intel x86, XScale Memory footprint: ROM: >1 MB (JTWI build, measured on Simulator, ARM Thumb mode) RAM: dependent on applications, per isolate memory overhead: <10 KBСкачать бесплатноСкачать бесплатно